Yesterday, I met some friends at a cupcake joint in the next town over. The cupcakes were not all we had hoped and we had some time, so they took me to a nearby candy shop to peruse.
Oh my.
The possibilities were endless, and you could mix and match all different flavors in a crisp, white bag.
Right now, my life is feeling a bit like that. A little bit sweet, a little bit sour with some unknowns thrown in for good measure. For the first time in my life, I'm moving away from all I've known and loved (and, thankfully, some things that I have not loved) for a job in another state. Some moments, I'm so excited by the prospect I can't wait; others, I feel like I've had the wind knocked out of me at the thought.
But like my candy shop experience yesterday, I'm taking this mixed bag for what it's worth - and trying new things along the way. Stay tuned!